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13 października 2021
The Zone of Culture
The Zone of Culture is the evidence of revitalisation, which Katowice has experienced in recent years. This comprehensive development project is today one of the most recognisable spots on the city map and a site attracting not only culture lovers. Lookin

The Zone of Culture is the evidence of revitalisation, which Katowice has experienced in recent years. This comprehensive development project is today one of the most recognisable spots on the city map and a site attracting not only culture lovers. Looking at innovative architectural solutions, skilfully combined with green squares, it is difficult to imagine that only twenty years ago coal was mined on this site. Today only refurbished mine buildings, adapted to the needs of culture, prove that a mine was once operating here. The entire project is an excellent proof of dynamic changes Katowice undergoes and of the new vision of the city. The area has four pillars: a museum, a concert hall, a congress centre, and an entertainment- -sports arena, between which there is space intended for residents and their guests. The new house of the Silesian Museum was harmoniously composed with the former mine buildings and most of the exhibition was transferred underground. Fantastic acoustics of the National Symphonic Orchestra of Polish Radio hall is emphasised by music lovers and musicians from the entire world, who give concerts in Katowice. The International Congress Centre is a multifunctional facility, being the venue of many training courses, congresses, fairs, or conferences. This unique quartet is complemented by ‘Spodek’ - a legendary arena, which after modernisation remains one of the most important sports-entertainment facilities in the country, being a guarantee of an exceptional atmosphere and unforgettable experience.

More information about the above-mentioned objects available on:

Silesian Museum


International Congress Centre

Spodek Arena

 Park Bogucki 23.JPG

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